In my previous videos, I have cautioned you regarding certain synthetic ingredients that could be lurking in your products. I have stressed why you need to be aware of them and how important it is to read the ingredient labels before you make a purchase. Today, I want to welcome you to the natural side of skincare and share why, from my view, your skin and body will thank you!
The BIG debate –
Similar to the other topics I have discussed, there has been a long-standing debate of whether natural skincare products are as effective as their synthetic competitors. Another argument is if an ingredient has been isolated in a lab, does that mean it is inherently bad for our bodies? This battle between natural vs. synthetic has existed for so long, in my opinion, because neither one can be 100 percent the “right” way. A balance needs to exist between the two polarities, similar to keeping a healthy diet, and I encourage you to find a balance that works for you.
Synthetic vs Natural –
Let’s start with what makes an ingredient synthetic. The USDA defines synthetic as “a substance that is formulated or manufactured by a chemical process or by a process that chemically changes a substance extracted from naturally occurring plant, animal, or mineral sources, except that…shall not apply to substances created by naturally occurring biological processes.”
Currently there is no government regulated definition for the term ‘natural’ but the USDA defines non-synthetic as “A substance that is derived from mineral, plant, or animal matter and does not undergo a synthetic process.” This allows companies to use the word ‘natural’ loosely on their cosmetic label.
I urge you to be an advocate for knowing what ingredients you put on your body by being a conscious consumer. Read full ingredient labels, research companies and their transparency and use resources like EWG, the Natural Ingredient Resource Center and Cosmetic Ingredient Review to expose the toxicity in products.
The ‘Natural Side’ of life –
Let me welcome you to, what I consider, is the natural side of skincare. This is where raw plant and food ingredients are minimally processed in a way that does not vitally alter the product. These processes are simple and do not exceed anything that could not be made in a household kitchen. There is never the use of any synthetic dyes, fragrances, petrochemicals, GMO’s or any synthetic ingredient.
Only the use of sustainably grown and harvested plants that are alive with minerals, nutrients and compounds that our bodies can absorb. Skin care that reflects the complexity within our bodies yet pure enough to use at any phase of life. This is aging gracefully through nature.
Conclusion –
Thank you for watching my video! Be on the lookout for more topics, like this one, in my series ‘Deconstructing Skincare.’ Together we can make the shift toward better health and clean beauty.